Agrosuper’s “Drive Water:” A groundbreaking initiative for more than 3,500 Chilean families
In a remarkable show of social and environmental commitment, the Chilean company Agrosuper implemented the groundbreaking “Drive Water” (Impulsa Agua) program, making a huge difference in the lives of 3,784 families. The grant fund, launched in 2022 for the O’Higgins and Metropolitan regions has focused on improving water availability and management in rural communities. The […]

In a remarkable show of social and environmental commitment, the Chilean company Agrosuper implemented the groundbreaking “Drive Water” (Impulsa Agua) program, making a huge difference in the lives of 3,784 families. The grant fund, launched in 2022 for the O’Higgins and Metropolitan regions has focused on improving water availability and management in rural communities.
The initiative, supported by the Amulén Foundation, has implemented large projects during these two years. The projects were carefully selected for their quick implementation potential, sustainability, and particularly groundbreaking features. To date, “Drive Water” has conducted four calls for grants, two in 2022 and two in 2023 with the aim of providing high-quality, continuous and efficient water supply.
In its first year, the program benefited almost a thousand families, implementing solutions such as expanding the drinking water distribution network, installing meters, and updating old systems. 2023 was focused on improving the management and operation of rural sanitation services benefiting 2,791 families with technology-based projects like smart meters and energy generation systems to ensure continuity of supply.
The program benefits communities around Agrosuper’s facilities. In the O’Higgins Region, it includes the cities of Mostazal, Codegua, and Doñihue, in addition to Melipilla and San Pedro in the Metropolitan Region.
For more information about “Drive Water” and upcoming calls for proposals, you can visit www.impulsaagua.cl.