The President of ExpoCarnes mentions that these will be the three key elements that will allow us to continue developing an exporting industry that can set us apart from our competitors
Its ambassador highlighted modernization and public-private support to ensure product quality
• The Danish state is one of the company's shareholders, through the Danish Investment Fund for Developing Countries (IFU) and its Danish Agribusiness Fund (DAF).
• After touring the Maule Slaughter Plant and the Pork Production Center "San Agustín del Arbolillo" in San Javier, the diplomat described Coexca as a very successful and growing company.
Chile positioned itself once more as one of the main meat exporters –particularly white meat– in the world.
Through an invitation organized by ProChile, a group of Chinese journalists visited Chile for a week. They enjoyed a first-hand look at the main processes for products that Chile exports to China.